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a micro robotic creature that crawls around sensing objects in its path and avoiding them using its bump sensor feelers. With the clap of your hands you can make the Beetle change direction and watch as it scurries away! The hi-tech Hexbug Beetle will travel in a straight line until it hits an object in its path or hears a loud noise. Upon contact or noise, the bug reverses in a half circle, then moves forward again in a new direction. These unique design elements were carefully chosen by our engineers to get children to think about the science behind our robots! The Hexbug Beetle fits perfectly in the palm of your hand for miniature fun anytime!
•  Crawls around sensing objects in its path and avoiding them using its bump sensor feelers
•  Will travel in a straight line until it hits an object in its path or hears a loud noise
•  Upon contact or noise, the bug reverses in a half circle, moving forward again in a new direction
•  Unique design elements were carefully

Hexbug Beetle In Blue

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