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We are a company that specialized in educational toys. Our purpose is not only teaches the child but brings them a lot of joys.

Our team

We are still heading up Toy Toy City team, but it's grown considerably since the early days.

More than 50 people work in our stores and a further 5 are based at our head office in Malaysia.

Our values

Charity - Toy Toy City tithes 10% of its profits via its charitable wing, The Grant Foundation, which makes donations to several children's charities. We also have an industry-leading payroll giving scheme with over 50 of our employees giving money to charity direct from their monthly pay.

Sunday trading - You won't find any of our stores open on Sundays. That's because we're part of the 'Keep Sunday Special' campaign. Our teams work extremely hard all week, so Sundays are reserved as a day to relax and spend time with friends and family.

Ethics - We only sell toys we believe have real play value, represent good value for money and are suitable for the children they're made for.

Recycling - We care about the environment and we're doing our bit to cut down on unnecessary waste. 

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